Absolute paths

[<http://website.com/assets/image.jpg>](<http://website.com/assets/image.jpg>) If the image is not on your domain - go look there for image

[//website.com/assets/image.jpg](//website.com/assets/image.jpg) image loaded using http or https protocols

Relative paths

(For internal use if the image is on the same server)

image.jpg image in the same place as the document calling the image!

./image.jpg Same as above, image in the same place as the document calling the image!

/assets/image.jpg Similar to Absolute Paths, just omitting the protocol and domain name. Go search my image starting from my root folder /, than into assets/

assets/image.jpg this time assets is in the same place as the document, so go into assets for the image

../assets/image.jpg From where the document is, go one folder back ../ and go into assets

../../image.jpg go two folders back, there's my image!